I've thought about what it means to blog for a very long time. I'm a pretty private person but I like helping. Being shy makes this hard sometimes. But if I know you? Well I'll talk your ear off if you speak to me.
Most of the time I'll sit quietly by, not wanting to be a bother. So, with the introduction (reintroduction) of Bakes-on-mesh, (standard layers) and being much more active in helping random strangers to understand how SL works, how to make shapes and various styling/avatar things. I thought this would finally be a good idea.
I also recreated a Flickr account. Though with all the changes it's gone through, not sure how that's going to go. That'll be used for landscaping pictures in my parcel and other places. Because people share gorgeous photos with me that they've taken in my landscapes.
I love SL, I've been around for almost a decade (holy crow!) and sharing with others is what I like to do best. My internet may not be the greatest. I'm sometimes broody but I like listening to peoples stories. I love creating themes from those stories and finding inspiration in them.
So, I invite you to travel along this new path with me while I explore and actually document the adventures. ♥