Thursday, December 24, 2020

Bah humbug and the end of one hell of a year

 Well, 2020 is almost done. Not going to lie, I've been extremely envious of people in other countries who really haven't had to deal with the weird, BizzaroWorld situation that is the US of A. Or the bible belt for that matter, or Oklahoma. 

As a person who comes from an area that's -Extremely- diverse, this last 4 years has been a really big eye opener and not very pleasant. I would welcome a return to some sort of rational thinking and hopefully some changes for the better. I feel quite caged here because I can't tell these terrible people, how truly terrible I think they are. Because they have a whole arsenal and they're violent. Made more so by their cult like madness. 

Sure, some of you might think I'm being a little bit broad in this stroke, that it might be a bit of exaggeration. I really wish it were. I really, really do. 

The year is ending on a hopeful note. I've made some wonderful friends who believe in me, my relationship is still intact, we're doing well emotionally. Which sadly I can't say for a lot of people who don't know how to talk to each other or deal with each other on a daily basis, with nothing else in between.  Ani's mother had to have surgery a few weeks ago, out of state because there were no hospitals in the entire state that could house her. (She needs an ICU when she does go, and this time was especially important) His dad had surprise pancreatitis while she was in the hospital and he too spent a week in care, (They're both fine thankfully), which was a little more scary because he was housed locally and while they're telling everyone on the news that everything is fine, nothing to see here, Every floor had doors decorated with little dots indicating whether they were containing covid19 positive patients or not. There were more that were positive than there weren't. Which is scary considering how many people in my small, rural county don't think it's a big deal. It's unpleasant to be in a place where wearing a mask is completely ostracized and sometimes almost violently responded to in the grocery aisle. I've been cursed at, coughed at and had way more close brushes when simply grabbing an item off the shelf than I'd like to remember. Having reliable grocery pickup options would be wonderful.

We are still saving for moving to somewhere more in line with our own moral ideals and possibly a little bit more sane.. Despite all the ugliness that's been exposed this year, despite how awful people are to each other. There's some hope. We just need to care about each other. We need to think outside of our own personal bubble about the affect we have on others. We need to try to care enough about someone else, with no thought of personal gain, so that maybe 2021 can begin to look up.  


I was going to do a holiday scene, but it just didn't feel right. This felt more appropriate for me. Iwanted some way to show off the Lilly gift head from LeLUTKA and I think this does it nicely. Not a single HD layer was used. I wanted to show how well it could work with just BOM and the materials on the HD maps. Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate this season. And here's to hope for a better year this next go round. 

Love each other, care about one another;

and remember, always make a copy.

♥ Lumi

Monday, November 9, 2020

LeLutka Evolution is updating to 2.5 boundless! Oh MY!

 So! A couple of days ago, LeLutka officially launched their Boundless updates and Ooooh boy, this one was a BIG ONE!

I know many of you are asking 'What's boundless mean? What's bound mean?' Lemme tell you!

Boundless is the term LeLutka is using to explain their heads use the shape sliders to their fullest. It means that you can make just about anything, and you can actually start off with a default NEW SL shape (right click an inventory folder> New body part> New shape). 

Bound is the term LeLutka is using for the heads that have a more set shape, (before Fleur head released)

All heads made before Fleur were updated to Boundless, so there's going to be a lot of growing pains for shape makers and people who purchase their shapes. Anything made from Fleur and on is already Boundless and only needs very minor tweaks to shapes, if you wish. 

'But why do I have to tweak my shape at all?!' you exclaim. Well, this is because the original animation sets we all know and love were remastered, and there had to be some slight compromise with the head mesh movement so that animations were still recognizable as what they were. Every effort possible was made to keep the integrity of both head mesh and animation so this could be made possible. This also paves the way for Origins heads to get all these great updates in the future too. 

***LeLutka was thoughtful, and has packaged heads inside a box called DATED (at the top of your folders for the pre-fleur heads) that have the 2.0 rigging with all the 2.5 goodies! They work unbelievably hard to make everyone happy so please be sure to read all included information. There's always someone to lend a hand either in the group chat (when it works, or the discord. (Join here!)

The HUDs got a whole new workover and are now a blend of Origin's informative style and Evolution's minimalist style and can now be resized and has a light/dark mode (available in the settings tab). I 'm not going to get into the HUD. There's lots of informative HUD videos out there and I do recommend any of those. THIS is a particularly good one. As well as THIS one. The second is a link to Facebook video. 

What I wanted to do, was show off the ability to get as close as I could with the shapes in the pre-Boundless heads, and the changes in the current Boundless heads. Just to see if I could, and show everyone else that it's quite possible to do so.

Remember, these are my own personal shapes, and some were already stretching the shapes to their limits. So I came upon some walls while reshaping the 2.5 heads. The only real stinker was Lake, but she's sassy anyway and I love her for it. 

Let's get started, shall we? ♥

I didn't have too much trouble with Erin, but you can see some differences in her nose and jaw.


2.5 Retweaked

 Nova. Always so sweet. Again, the subtle nose differences, slight difference in the jaw line and eyes. Not too much here. I was able to rescue my shape and recreate it easily.

Nova 2.0

Nova 2.5 Retweaked

Lake, Lake, Lake. My lovely, troublesome Lake. I had to start from default to recreate her. I lost the pixie nose, and the jaw didn't want to make that classic heart shape, and the rounder eyes didn't want to happen, but I still love how close I was able to get to the original shape. 

Why yes, I am wearing the same skin base in Nova and Lake and Fleur, they do pretty well!

Lake 2.0

Lake 2.5 Recreated

Nuri is beautiful, I struggled a little to recreate the lips, but I got pretty close! 

Nuri 2.0

Nuri 2.5 Retweaked


No 2.5 shapes have been tweaked beyond this point. (Meaning these are my 2.0 shapes, on the 2.5 heads with no changes.) Fleur and on were released new with the Boundless rigging so I'd like to feature the subtle differences.

Fleur did not change too terribly much, I think I like the 2.5 updates more.



Ryn got some slight changes too. Probably tweak it some to get her lips back.

And finally River, one of my personal SUPER favorites. She got a lot of changes, not all which I can show you because I don't own any male bodies. But she DID get a male neck update, so how cool is that! You can see the eye differences, and the lips are slightly different but it's nothing crazy.

So there you have it. All my shapes reproduced for the Boundless updates, and how they look on the updated Boundless heads. Lake took me 2 and a half days to recreate, just because I was being stubborn and trying to use my personal shape to do so. 

It is possible! Remember to always make a copy before making changes!


Sunday, November 1, 2020


 It's been a while since I've blogged. But I wanted to share my absolute love of the androgynous Lelutka River head with those of you who read my little thoughts and rambles. 

It's awesome, there's a chin cleft and the features are absolutely intense without being overbearing. I've been playing with shaping the head, seeing what I can do with it and it really is capable of looking quite masculine or very bony feminine. There's a 2.5 update in the works, very soon and of course I'll have to tweak the slider features a little, but it's a 'Boundless' update that'll be coming and that means even more shape slider movement! I'm so excited I can hardly wait.

This feature I'm doing is a little more macabre, (Which is a style I love) and takes advantage of the Legacy body's ability to be transparent. GHOUL made some very lovely skeleton pieces that fit inside your body and it's very, very easy when using the BOM feature to get this effect! Now if we can get an emissive masking ability in one of the layers I'll be in heaven! Not much else is being worn aside from some sci fi pieces from SOLE (I love that place) a cute little hair from MOON and body augments from Ego&Aii and ears from Sweet Thing

I hope you enjoy what I came up with! <3

Skin BOM:       Enfer Sombre - Akasha (Albino tone)

              Enfer Sombre - Akasha brows

Makeup BOM:     Booty's Beauty shadows

                 Izzie's Shadows

               Lillith Tattoos

          BUS - eyes



Sunday, August 30, 2020

Lelutka: Ryn

 I absolutely adore Ryn, she's part of the 'boundless' series of the new Lelutka Evolution heads and holy crow can she use those sliders. I've been playing with making shapes for her and these two I like the most. I love just how vastly different she can look. 

Unfortunately the HD makeup I can't remember exactly which it is, it's been a couple of weeks since I made the first avatar, but it's definitely Booty's Beauty. I like how subtle, yet bold her stuff can look.

Remember, with Lelutka Evolution and a legacy body, make sure you use the (SL) version of the head so the neck fits seamlessly, as you can see here. These are raw shots, straight from Firestorm using Gyazo. I don't use ultra lighting, my computer would explode. But I do use a med/high setting with some tweaks and Advanced lighting. I amp it up for taking glamour shots like this. My windlight is Creepy Pyri in this case.

Take care of each other, ♥

Skin:       Enfer Sombre - Ume

Makeup: Booty's Beauty shadows

                    Izzie's gloom shadow

                    Booty's Beauty lippy

Skin:      Enfer Sombre - Ume

Makeup: Izzie's Eyebags

                    Alaskametro Duochrome Shadow

                   ThisIsWrong Animatronix Tattoo

                   Izzie's Dimples

                   Ottilie Dolly Lipstick  

Sunday, July 12, 2020


It's me again. Been a little silent. I didn't want to post a bunch of stressful fears and things in my blog. It's still not any better, and I still don't want to discuss it on any platform.

I feel like I'm hiding from the world because of where I currently live. People here are so toxic, and the behavior has just gotten more monstrous since the pandemic started. It's really awful to find out how terrible some people are.

But, anyway, that's not what this is for. It's for me posting things that make me smile, informative to others, to help.

But I'm not feeling any of that these last few months. So I just wanted to say, welcome summer, do your worst. 

💗 But in the meantime, have a pretty summer beach picture.💗

LeLUTKA Head Nuri 1.2
Swallow Elf ears HD
Soul: Horns Geit (BOM enabled)
DOUX hair: Cotton
 Maitreya Lara 5.2

Dress by Evani
Shoes/Stockings by N-Core

Enfer Sombre* Elena - Porcelain
Enfer Sombre* Porcelain V7 {S}[R] Omega
System Layers (BoM) 
 Izzie's - Heart mole (chest and collarbone)
Izzie's Lelutka Eyebags
Izzie's Bikini tan lines
Izzie's Body moles 
Izzie's Freckles (body and face)
Alaskametro Emma Brows
Booty's Beauty Mattitude HD for Lelutka Evolution
Booty's Beauty Nox HD Eyeshadow For Lelutka Evolution
OKKBYE Birdy Lashes (lelutka)

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Please stay healthy
Much love, Lumi 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

And now, for something completely different ...

Boredom, chaos, fear of the unknown, interrupted plans, more boredom. What is there to do when there's nothing else to do? Well, more NOTHING! Of course!

No, not quite. So, with everything that's going on, and the frustration that I was incapable of making much of a difference besides what I, myself can control; it's not a small thing to say that I was letting my own obsession with the pandemic get out of hand. Where I live, no one has really taken it seriously until the last couple of weeks and with the whole idea that people here -think- they're immune because it's not a city is starting to fall away. But not before it's already started to get bad.

So in an effort to break my bad habits I've gotten into this last couple of months. I wanted, needed to do something else. So, I got it in my head to create an activity that others could enjoy. I don't have much and it's nothing fancy. Certainly not to the level that others have been able to contribute to the whole #stayhome movement in SL. But it's made me feel better. I enlisted the help of an able scripter, and even my boyfriend/SL partner pitched in with the textures!

Now it's all set up and ready to go, and I wanted to give those random visitors to my blog a chance to come and enjoy something outside of what they usually do. No club scene, no manic shopping at events. Just peaceful nature at my home, and exploration and hunting ...


A completed basket!

 Yes, I'm serious. Eggs. I have 30 colorful, whimsical eggs to be found within the courtyard and back gardens of my parcel. I can't go absolutely crazy; but the odd visitor I have will hopefully find some enjoyment in it.When you arrive, have a quick glance around the courtyard and you'll see where to pick up your hunt kit. Read through the provided information and have fun!

Since this is my home, I do ask that any visitors treat, and respect my home as you would your own. I really would hate to eject anyone. Let's get through this safely, and healthy and with a bit of compassion and care for one another in this very scary, very unusual year. 

Oh! And please, send me pictures if you did do the hunt. I'd love to show them off on my Flickr!

Now, who's ready for some eggs ♥

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Fae's Life

Nothing special, just a quiet, rainy day and playing with some stuff from the Saturday Sale this weekend

Enfer Sombre* Elena - Porcelain
Enfer Sombre* Albino V.6 Chubby A - Slink
System Layers (BoM) 
 UniCult Flurry Eye Makeup - Purple
UniCult Cozy Freckles - 1 Blush w/Shine Lt
MeshMafia - Good Girl Lip Tattoo
IDTTY Body Shop - Love Hurts -Faded
Half-Deer Keyhole Tattoo (chest)
MILA All over Freckles Light 30%
AlaskaMetro #OnFleek Eyebrows
Booty's Beauty Stormy Eyes Omega Applier
OKKBYE Birdy Lashes (lelutka)
LeLUTKA Head Lake 1.1
E.A Studio VooDoo Ears
Soul Moth Antenae (bento)
Magika Hair - Nina
RHUDE Infinity Nose Ring
Little Fish Brow rings - Lelutka (setting 5)
 Slink Hourglass Redux
Slink Hourglass Petite Augment Redux

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Lelutka Evolution - Lake Spotlight

Oh - Em - GEE! So Skin Fair got off with a bang this year and that's been insane. And of course I don't have the funds to buy EVERYTHING I want there. But I did get to squeeze myself in yesterday and get the newest Evolution head, LAKE!

Booty's Beauty Lelutka Evolution Dollface HD Lips
It's so cute!! I can't stop playing with shapes, trying on all my shapes. This head is lovely with the shape sliders. It's unbelievable really how far I can push sliders to their limits and I get such unique looks. 

With the launch of this head (Which wasn't even hinted about, all we knew was the male Skyler head was coming out;) Lelutka updated Erin and Nova to include more animations that were coming with Lake/Skyler. They're very, very good. Remember that you can use multiple moods and they'll cycle randomly(I've got 8 running most of the time). You can also include the Eyes and Lips extra settings with the moods and they'll incorporate themselves into the animations instead of completely overriding them. It'll really make your face come alive. 

As you know, I upload all my shots raw. I don't like touch-ups to the point where it doesn't look as it did inworld. I don't have the best computer out there. In fact, it's aged enough that I will have to replace the motherboard to upgrade anything else. I'm proud of the fact that I can show people what these skins and makeups and heads look like, -in SL- for me. And that someone with not the best setup can take pretty pictures too. My whole point of this little 'paupers corner' is to show people that they don't have to constantly spend money to have cute, fun, pretty things. A lot of my things come from weekend sales and events, group gifts, things people are testing or just old stuff in my folders that were gathering dust before BoM revived them.  Don't mistake though. I'm a serious shopaholic. I probably impulse buy in SL with the best of them!

Have fun, stay safe out there and practice all that stuff that none of us want to talk about but it's on our minds. Help each other, be kind to each other and check on your neighbors. Never know when someone may be in need during this unprecedented global event.

I dunno, I think I kind of look like 90's Rose McGowan in this shot 💗  

Enfer Sombre* Elena - Porcelain
Enfer Sombre* Albino V.6 Chubby A - Slink
System Layers (BoM) 
 Booty's Beauty Splendor Eyeshadow 14
Arise Zila Eyeshadow 3
Zibska Celeste 08
MILA All over Freckles Light 30%
White Widow Normal DeadMan White
AlaskaMetro #OnFleek Eyebrows
 HD Appliers
 MILA Flash Winged Eyeliner LELEvolution
Booty's Beauty Lelutka Evolution Cookies N' Cream Style

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Drama Queen

Dramatic little interlude, got some poses from Foxcity during the Saturday Sale (a lot of nice things actually from some good creators) and liked them. Pulled out some old layer things and had a mini session.

Not enough people create for the Hourglass Petite chest. I'm small chested out in the 'Real World' I wasn't graced with large breasts, but for some reason, I have to have them in SL. I've never quite understood that. Minor rant on the injustice of breast size done, Hope you like!

  • Body: Slink Hourglass Redux and Petite Chest Augment Redux
  • Head: Lelutka Nova
  • Eyes: CAZIMI Hope Supernatural
  • Hair: DOUX Nansi with Playful bang addon 
  • Addons: Swallow Crossover Elf and Shiny Elf ears, Normandy Mini Horns [BoM], {egosumaii} Daemonium Tail Bento/BoM, [RHUDE] Cinta rings
  • Clothes: [Omnis] Aya shirt, Moon Elixir x MUSE - Secret Admirer skirt, [Renegade] Felicity boots
  • Clothing layer: FnH Cindy's Night Out Tights, <3 Lolita Ripped Pantyhose

Enfer Sombre* Elena - Porcelain
Enfer Sombre* Albino V.6 Chubby A - Slink
System Layers (BoM) 
Juna: Arwen Light
Juna: Meiko Light
AlaskaMetro #On Fleek Soot
Amacci Hairbase 2 - Grey
Just Magnetized Crybaby Set 01
#Adored Pixie girl makeup Lilac - Lt skin
MILA All over Freckles Light 30%
 Skin Materials
 This Is Wrong Reaver Shine Omega Evolved

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Blacklights! -Featuring Greer and some very phallic imagery

Well, not really. But I felt I'd been neglecting one of my most favorite heads in SL while the newness of the Evolution line was still fresh. So I decided to take Greer around the BoM block so to speak and give her the system layer treatment since the skin I prefer on her was updated to include layers.

I also got a little carried away with both layer stacking AND lighting, as  you can see. 

I was really intrigued by the lighting affect
that I had created and might have gotten
a little bit carried away while setting up for this
post. But I really wanted to share it with
the rest of you because well, 

Ahem, now that I've finished my little explosion of exuberance, let's get on to why we are actually here, 
Shall we?

Greer, in all her sassy beauty, can you believe I have 11 layers on her face? Yes, count them yourself!

I absolutely love blending together all the unique and gorgeous work that I've collected over the years and newly created. The eyes though are what inspired this fun, phallic and sassy photo-shoot. Look closely, Yes, those are what you think they are. Hilarious and absolutely, unquestionably sexy! If you've got a certain something-something on your mind, these are sure to subtly hint at it. The ever sassy SeXXXual (Marketplace Only) fills a very fun need, from the wildly dramatic bimbos to the more subdued hussies 💜💜💋

Enfer Sombre* Baby - Porcelain - Omega System Layer (updated
Enfer Sombre* Porcelain V.6 Chubby A - Belleza
System Layers (BoM)
*Rainbow Sundae* Mini Lip Tattoos - Heart
Zibska Miki Lips 01
alaskametro<3 Liquid Shine Lipgloss - Mocha
.MILA. Flash Winged Eyeliner (lelutka) 1
#Adored - lovestoned shadows - Hot Fuss - 06
Unicult - Truely - Silver
Zibska Tasha Eye makeup - 05
Enfer Sombre* Baby - Porcelain {Sweet} Lipstain (included with skin)
Izzie's- Valentine's Cheek Hearts
.Mila. All Over Freckles Light 30%
Alaskametro<3 #onfleek brows
Appliers Used
SeXXXual Cockeyed Eyes (Layer eyes included with Omega HUD)
Okkbye. Whimsy Eyelashes

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Clearing the confusion for Maitreya/Lelutka/Glam Affair users!


As of version 1.2 the face blenders in your head folders go all the way down the neck as before. The tones at the bottom of this blog are still valid, Remember, you can do this with any brand body skin that is similar in tone. The Lelutka head skins are not Glam Affair, they're made by Lelutka. I'm going to leave up this information in case people have not updated or are wondering what the differences are. 


Bakes on mesh has been out for a little while now, and Maitreya has updated to V5, (woot!) Has some cute new things (love those nipple options!) and sloughed off the onion skin and kept the alpha cuts.

Maitreya shoulders have always driven me a little bonkers. but this isn't about that. Today's post is an attempt to clear up some real confusion for long time Maitreya wearers who have gotten accustomed to the fact that they have a wide range of default and good looking skins to choose from, and are venturing into the Lelutka Evolution heads and discovering something quite unnerving.

They no longer seamlessly match!

            Well, that's not quite true dear user.

Glam Affair recently came out with 12 new skins, in numbered tones. Maitreya has updated and now includes all 22 skins, past and present and with tattoo layers. Now, the thing about the skins that come with Maitreya, their tones don't go all the way into the head. It stops in the upper body. Right at the base of the neck. And the new Lelutka Evolution heads have blender tattoos for the faces, which fade just under the jaw line. So if you have a tone similar to it, you'll be able to mostly hide it until your favorite skins either update or you find something new.

Maitreya HUD skins have always been this way. We just never noticed because mesh heads have the neck, and use that to -meet- the part of the mesh body. So the skins that come with Maitreya don't have heads. And you get something like this:

The horror! Such seam, much wow!
Not what we want!

This is the result of the base skin (very base system layer which looks like a little man doing a cartwheel, or jumping jack) not matching the tattoo layers. Now, if I had a tone similar to this, you probably wouldn't be able to see much of a difference. This is what I'm currently wearing for Glam Affair:

My base skin is one from Enfer Sombre that I like to wear, and the way she does her skins, the face is the base, and the body is the tattoo layers, so there's a pretty seamless match there as you can see in some of my other posts. But this post isn't intended to show you that. You just need to see the result.

So, how do I fix this? You ask, Easy!

Glam Affair has at their store, the full base skin version for varying body types (For just 279L!), You just need to choose the one in your tone. Now, the sample tones that come with the evolution heads are a little different. And they work like this:

Lelutka Tone 01 Glam Affair tone 06
Lelutka Tone 02 Glam Affair tone 07
Lelutka Tone 03 Glam Affair tone 08
Lelutka Tone 04 Glam Affair tone 11
They won't all work this way. This is just the blender head tones that come in the Evolution folders. If you're not sure what the base skins look like, they look like this:

Wearing Glam affair base body skin with Lelutka Face Nova 001, will give you this lovely seamless look:

(I'm actually wearing Erin mesh head here!)

Now, isn't this much nicer? I think so! I hope I helped out a little with this demonstration today. Maybe this will clear up some of the confusion I've been seeing more often lately now that Maitreya has at long last updated their body.

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. 
And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Monday, January 27, 2020

Sparkly colors and some old, old beloved system eyes

I can't help it...
The Lelutka Nova is too much fun!

I went and got a new skin from Enfer Sombre, meant for the new Evolution lineup and I have to say it's ADORABLE! I'm not kidding. Just look at it! 

Ahem. Anyway! So the wonderful Booty gave me a sneak peek at her [Lelutka Evolution] Holo Mini kit. You get Lashes, shimmery eye shadow and that pretty lip stain all in this kit! It's so adorable I went digging deep ... -deep- into my ancient system layer eye folder for some eyes that I knew would be perfect! Sadly, I don't see the original creator around anymore but I always adored their stuff. 

Without much ado today, because it's late (it's 7am, my nighttime), and I really wanted to share this before I went to bed, here's the cutest Moonicorn you'll EVER see ♥
Enfer Sombre* Elena - Porcelain - Lelutka Evolution system layer
Enfer Sombre* Porcelain V.6 Chubby A - Belleza
System Layers (BoM)
  ..::Skull Candy::.. Gum Eyes Blue 2013 November Group Gift
Enfer Sombre* Elena - Lelutka Eyebrows {Tintable}

HD Appliers Used
*Booty's Beauty* [Lelutka Evolution] Holo Mini Kit HUD

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Something old, Something new - Nova HD makeup

I'm having a lot of fun playing with the return of system layers (BoM) and the new Lelutka Evolution heads. If you couldn't tell, dear reader.

Last night I was graciously given some goodies from Booty, of our very own Booty's Beauty (Inworld Location, and Marketplace). I thought I'd showcase them here. I have some stuff from her from many, many years ago and -somehow- I lost track of this awesome designer for quite some time.

She's begun creating HD makeups for the Evo lineup and I must say I am in love. I'm enjoying the rich colors and depth she's creating. And the nice little bonuses she includes from time to time! Very sweet person to talk with and what's awesome, it's affordable on any linden budget!

I also got some BoM updates to some previously purchased applier skins. and I'll once again show that you can use just about any skin so don't be afraid to experiment!

Enough of my endless chatter. Let's get on with the pretty!
(Remember this is on Lelutka Nova head with my own personal shape)

Enfer: Sombre* Mika - Porcelain -(Intended for Genus babyface)
Enfer Sombre* Porcelain V.6 Chubby A - Belleza
System Layers (BoM)
 *Booty's Beauty* Stormy Eyes 2
Enfer Sombre* Ginger Eyebrows (tintable) -(Intended for Genus babyface)
Enfer Sombre* Ginger Freckles (brown) -(Intended for Genus babyface)
HD Appliers Used
*Booty's Beauty* Pitch Dark HD Eyeshadows HUD
*Booty's Beauty* Dollface HD Lips 9-16 HUD

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Lelutka Evolution Heads - Nova

If you've read the Erin Showcase, you already know that I adore these heads. (All Lelu heads actually!)

In the process of gathering stuff for these blogposts, I've realized that I might love Nova just a little more than Erin. Her face is just so heart shaped and expressive!

I do really miss the Animation Moods combinations I have with my other Lelu heads though. I hope those come back in some shape or form with the Evolution.

Ok, on with the show! Remember, all of this is Nova/Belleza Isis and my own shapes.

This one is a literal blast from the past
All BoM Layers

Glam Affair Lulu 6 (Arcade Gacha from 2015)


All BoM Layers:
Enfer Sombre* Genus Albino tone - Johana

Tattoo Layers:
AlaskaMetro "Emma" Eyebrows - Brunette
Izzie's Holo Metallic Lipstick 13 (Alien) darker (75%)

HD Makeup:
Booty's Beauty Daybreak HD Eyeshadows

okkbye. Dolly Eyelashes (Lelutka)


All BoM Layers:
Enfer Sombre* Genus Albino tone - Johana

Tattoo Layers:
AlaskaMetro "Emma" Eyebrows - Brunette
AlaskaMetro "LiquidShine" Lipgloss - Mocha

HD Makeup:
Booty's Beauty Daybreak HD Eyeshadows
okkbye. Dolly Eyelashes (Lelutka)

Yes, I love the shape of Nova, a little bit more than Erin. The heart shape always gets me I think. They take skins beautifully too!  (Both heads, don't be afraid to try something even if it says it's for one head in particular)

I've shown examples of older skins and skins that aren't even meant for Lelutka heads. You just have to experiment to see what works with Bakes on Mesh. In the case of messed up looking fingers and toes, you can use 'covers' such as this and this to blend your skin if/when using skins that are meant for other bodies or older skins in general. I think there might be new ones out there that are free by now, but I know for a fact that these work.

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi