Monday, November 9, 2020

LeLutka Evolution is updating to 2.5 boundless! Oh MY!

 So! A couple of days ago, LeLutka officially launched their Boundless updates and Ooooh boy, this one was a BIG ONE!

I know many of you are asking 'What's boundless mean? What's bound mean?' Lemme tell you!

Boundless is the term LeLutka is using to explain their heads use the shape sliders to their fullest. It means that you can make just about anything, and you can actually start off with a default NEW SL shape (right click an inventory folder> New body part> New shape). 

Bound is the term LeLutka is using for the heads that have a more set shape, (before Fleur head released)

All heads made before Fleur were updated to Boundless, so there's going to be a lot of growing pains for shape makers and people who purchase their shapes. Anything made from Fleur and on is already Boundless and only needs very minor tweaks to shapes, if you wish. 

'But why do I have to tweak my shape at all?!' you exclaim. Well, this is because the original animation sets we all know and love were remastered, and there had to be some slight compromise with the head mesh movement so that animations were still recognizable as what they were. Every effort possible was made to keep the integrity of both head mesh and animation so this could be made possible. This also paves the way for Origins heads to get all these great updates in the future too. 

***LeLutka was thoughtful, and has packaged heads inside a box called DATED (at the top of your folders for the pre-fleur heads) that have the 2.0 rigging with all the 2.5 goodies! They work unbelievably hard to make everyone happy so please be sure to read all included information. There's always someone to lend a hand either in the group chat (when it works, or the discord. (Join here!)

The HUDs got a whole new workover and are now a blend of Origin's informative style and Evolution's minimalist style and can now be resized and has a light/dark mode (available in the settings tab). I 'm not going to get into the HUD. There's lots of informative HUD videos out there and I do recommend any of those. THIS is a particularly good one. As well as THIS one. The second is a link to Facebook video. 

What I wanted to do, was show off the ability to get as close as I could with the shapes in the pre-Boundless heads, and the changes in the current Boundless heads. Just to see if I could, and show everyone else that it's quite possible to do so.

Remember, these are my own personal shapes, and some were already stretching the shapes to their limits. So I came upon some walls while reshaping the 2.5 heads. The only real stinker was Lake, but she's sassy anyway and I love her for it. 

Let's get started, shall we? ♥

I didn't have too much trouble with Erin, but you can see some differences in her nose and jaw.


2.5 Retweaked

 Nova. Always so sweet. Again, the subtle nose differences, slight difference in the jaw line and eyes. Not too much here. I was able to rescue my shape and recreate it easily.

Nova 2.0

Nova 2.5 Retweaked

Lake, Lake, Lake. My lovely, troublesome Lake. I had to start from default to recreate her. I lost the pixie nose, and the jaw didn't want to make that classic heart shape, and the rounder eyes didn't want to happen, but I still love how close I was able to get to the original shape. 

Why yes, I am wearing the same skin base in Nova and Lake and Fleur, they do pretty well!

Lake 2.0

Lake 2.5 Recreated

Nuri is beautiful, I struggled a little to recreate the lips, but I got pretty close! 

Nuri 2.0

Nuri 2.5 Retweaked


No 2.5 shapes have been tweaked beyond this point. (Meaning these are my 2.0 shapes, on the 2.5 heads with no changes.) Fleur and on were released new with the Boundless rigging so I'd like to feature the subtle differences.

Fleur did not change too terribly much, I think I like the 2.5 updates more.



Ryn got some slight changes too. Probably tweak it some to get her lips back.

And finally River, one of my personal SUPER favorites. She got a lot of changes, not all which I can show you because I don't own any male bodies. But she DID get a male neck update, so how cool is that! You can see the eye differences, and the lips are slightly different but it's nothing crazy.

So there you have it. All my shapes reproduced for the Boundless updates, and how they look on the updated Boundless heads. Lake took me 2 and a half days to recreate, just because I was being stubborn and trying to use my personal shape to do so. 

It is possible! Remember to always make a copy before making changes!


Sunday, November 1, 2020


 It's been a while since I've blogged. But I wanted to share my absolute love of the androgynous Lelutka River head with those of you who read my little thoughts and rambles. 

It's awesome, there's a chin cleft and the features are absolutely intense without being overbearing. I've been playing with shaping the head, seeing what I can do with it and it really is capable of looking quite masculine or very bony feminine. There's a 2.5 update in the works, very soon and of course I'll have to tweak the slider features a little, but it's a 'Boundless' update that'll be coming and that means even more shape slider movement! I'm so excited I can hardly wait.

This feature I'm doing is a little more macabre, (Which is a style I love) and takes advantage of the Legacy body's ability to be transparent. GHOUL made some very lovely skeleton pieces that fit inside your body and it's very, very easy when using the BOM feature to get this effect! Now if we can get an emissive masking ability in one of the layers I'll be in heaven! Not much else is being worn aside from some sci fi pieces from SOLE (I love that place) a cute little hair from MOON and body augments from Ego&Aii and ears from Sweet Thing

I hope you enjoy what I came up with! <3

Skin BOM:       Enfer Sombre - Akasha (Albino tone)

              Enfer Sombre - Akasha brows

Makeup BOM:     Booty's Beauty shadows

                 Izzie's Shadows

               Lillith Tattoos

          BUS - eyes