Monday, January 27, 2020

Sparkly colors and some old, old beloved system eyes

I can't help it...
The Lelutka Nova is too much fun!

I went and got a new skin from Enfer Sombre, meant for the new Evolution lineup and I have to say it's ADORABLE! I'm not kidding. Just look at it! 

Ahem. Anyway! So the wonderful Booty gave me a sneak peek at her [Lelutka Evolution] Holo Mini kit. You get Lashes, shimmery eye shadow and that pretty lip stain all in this kit! It's so adorable I went digging deep ... -deep- into my ancient system layer eye folder for some eyes that I knew would be perfect! Sadly, I don't see the original creator around anymore but I always adored their stuff. 

Without much ado today, because it's late (it's 7am, my nighttime), and I really wanted to share this before I went to bed, here's the cutest Moonicorn you'll EVER see ♥
Enfer Sombre* Elena - Porcelain - Lelutka Evolution system layer
Enfer Sombre* Porcelain V.6 Chubby A - Belleza
System Layers (BoM)
  ..::Skull Candy::.. Gum Eyes Blue 2013 November Group Gift
Enfer Sombre* Elena - Lelutka Eyebrows {Tintable}

HD Appliers Used
*Booty's Beauty* [Lelutka Evolution] Holo Mini Kit HUD

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Something old, Something new - Nova HD makeup

I'm having a lot of fun playing with the return of system layers (BoM) and the new Lelutka Evolution heads. If you couldn't tell, dear reader.

Last night I was graciously given some goodies from Booty, of our very own Booty's Beauty (Inworld Location, and Marketplace). I thought I'd showcase them here. I have some stuff from her from many, many years ago and -somehow- I lost track of this awesome designer for quite some time.

She's begun creating HD makeups for the Evo lineup and I must say I am in love. I'm enjoying the rich colors and depth she's creating. And the nice little bonuses she includes from time to time! Very sweet person to talk with and what's awesome, it's affordable on any linden budget!

I also got some BoM updates to some previously purchased applier skins. and I'll once again show that you can use just about any skin so don't be afraid to experiment!

Enough of my endless chatter. Let's get on with the pretty!
(Remember this is on Lelutka Nova head with my own personal shape)

Enfer: Sombre* Mika - Porcelain -(Intended for Genus babyface)
Enfer Sombre* Porcelain V.6 Chubby A - Belleza
System Layers (BoM)
 *Booty's Beauty* Stormy Eyes 2
Enfer Sombre* Ginger Eyebrows (tintable) -(Intended for Genus babyface)
Enfer Sombre* Ginger Freckles (brown) -(Intended for Genus babyface)
HD Appliers Used
*Booty's Beauty* Pitch Dark HD Eyeshadows HUD
*Booty's Beauty* Dollface HD Lips 9-16 HUD

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Lelutka Evolution Heads - Nova

If you've read the Erin Showcase, you already know that I adore these heads. (All Lelu heads actually!)

In the process of gathering stuff for these blogposts, I've realized that I might love Nova just a little more than Erin. Her face is just so heart shaped and expressive!

I do really miss the Animation Moods combinations I have with my other Lelu heads though. I hope those come back in some shape or form with the Evolution.

Ok, on with the show! Remember, all of this is Nova/Belleza Isis and my own shapes.

This one is a literal blast from the past
All BoM Layers

Glam Affair Lulu 6 (Arcade Gacha from 2015)


All BoM Layers:
Enfer Sombre* Genus Albino tone - Johana

Tattoo Layers:
AlaskaMetro "Emma" Eyebrows - Brunette
Izzie's Holo Metallic Lipstick 13 (Alien) darker (75%)

HD Makeup:
Booty's Beauty Daybreak HD Eyeshadows

okkbye. Dolly Eyelashes (Lelutka)


All BoM Layers:
Enfer Sombre* Genus Albino tone - Johana

Tattoo Layers:
AlaskaMetro "Emma" Eyebrows - Brunette
AlaskaMetro "LiquidShine" Lipgloss - Mocha

HD Makeup:
Booty's Beauty Daybreak HD Eyeshadows
okkbye. Dolly Eyelashes (Lelutka)

Yes, I love the shape of Nova, a little bit more than Erin. The heart shape always gets me I think. They take skins beautifully too!  (Both heads, don't be afraid to try something even if it says it's for one head in particular)

I've shown examples of older skins and skins that aren't even meant for Lelutka heads. You just have to experiment to see what works with Bakes on Mesh. In the case of messed up looking fingers and toes, you can use 'covers' such as this and this to blend your skin if/when using skins that are meant for other bodies or older skins in general. I think there might be new ones out there that are free by now, but I know for a fact that these work.

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Lelutka Evolution heads - Erin

Lelutka came out with two new heads, both of them completely different from their Origin's Bento lineup (Of which I love multiple!)

I fell in love and of course had to have both. Don't ask, I have an addiction ok? 💖

I thought I'd showcase Erin first and show how absolutely gorgeous she can be and how different! Keep in mind, these are my own edited shapes worn on Belleza Isis. ♥

Erin 1

All BoM (System layers)

Pink Fuel Crystal Doll V2
Tattoo layers:
AlaskaMetro "Emma" Eyebrows tintable
Pink Fuel Crystal Doll Button Nose
AlaskaMetro Cole lips
AlaskaMetro Tightliner
Zibska Sydne #07 Eyeshadow

Erin 2

All BoM (System Layers)

Pink Fuel Crystal Doll V2
Tattoo layers:

Pink Fuel Crystal Doll Button Nose
AlaskaMetro "Emma" Eyebrows tintable
Zibska Gali #03 Eyemakeup
Zibska Akane #18 Lips
Zibska Ortensia Lips [FitB] #15 Lips
+>A&A<+ Princess Star Blush - Blue
Omega applied Materials:

This is Wrong Kaslan Omega EVOLVED shine

As you can see, there's quite a lot of variation based on shape and makeup. Even on the same exact skin tone. Now, some of these items are probably discontinued. Because they're a few years old. But most should still be around if you choose to recreate these looks. Remember to Right Click yourself>Appearance>Edit outfit to move layer order around to change how they show up or set another layer on top, such as the eyebrows. I have the button nose all the way at the bottom.

How layers work, is it bakes onto your skin in one layer. I know, sounds confusing as all hell but that's what is so neat about how SL works. It flattens it all out like a graphic program. Pretty nifty, right? It helps reduce texture buffering and unnecessary lag from so many large textures on the body itself. And lets you expand your creative juices with the sheer number of layers you can apply at once! 

One misconception about BoM  so far is that you can't have materials -at all-. And that's just not true. As you can see, I'm wearing a body shine. Where this gets muddy is if you try to put on layer clothing that needs to be shiny. With current bodies like Belleza and Slink Classic, that's not too much of a worry because you can still apply to layers and use shines as normal. With Slink Redux That's not possible because there is no layers and whatever shine you put on next with Omega Evolved appliers will replace the last one. Remember, Maitreya currently is incapable of wearing Materials on the body, for whatever reason they have not updated in some time to current capabilities.

There currently isn't a way to bake multiple materials together. Hopefully they figure that out soon because that's really the only holdback in my opinion to go back to a fully system layer setup. 

Be beautiful, experiment wildly and without fear. And always remember, Make a copy!
Much love, Lumi

Bakes on Mesh and why is it so scary? (It's not!)

The great thing about Second Life is how unique everyone can be. The creativity, the imagination comes out when people are expressive with their avatars. In whatever form that may be.

As Bakes on Mesh (BoM) has started to gain steam, and creators are re-releasing, creating and updating for the system layer movement, (FINALLY! and I'll explain why) more and more people, young and old are confused by how it works. People that made beautiful system avatars 8 and 10 years ago have forgotten their latent skills because of appliers. Those convenient, push button HUDs that relegated a person to three layers only! And most times left people complaining about glitching, alpha fighting and high render rates that just made clubbing/shopping unfun because you were either invisible, everyone else was invisible (thank you Firestorm show friends only) or it was all a slideshow in an attempt to buy something you wanted early enough to be trendy.

Younger folk, those 7 years and newer really didn't have to deal with system layers and how they layered and baked onto the system avatar into one texture, reducing the amount of information they were constantly being bombarded with. Now, the prospect of getting rid of those alpha cut/multilayered bodies scares people for some reason.

When it should be seen as much easier!

Clothing creators use to provide alpha layers for their meshes. Hardly ever did we have to make our own as consumers and that was only early on. People willingly shared their edits back and forth, freebie packs of said layers on the marketplace. But there's been a definite shift the last couple of years I've noticed. People are less willing to be creative in this way and I don't think it's their fault. Since mesh has been firmly accepted, the whole idea that ordinary people in SL can contribute to the creation/addition of fashion has sort of gone out the window. People are afraid to add in their own ideas and it frankly makes me sad. Hopefully clothing creators will again start adding in rudimentary alpha layers for people who use things like Slink Redux (Which has a nifty slider setup for alpha layers that have anti-aliasing that allows a bit of adjustment, how cool is that?)

I love seeing what people come up with. I love seeing people help each other and guiding each other. In SL I have collected a sharable notecard with information as I can get my fingers on it and have shared that with others. And in turn hope they add to that and share it with others they come across in an attempt to lift the veil that Linden Labs has covered BoM with, and show that it's not as scary as all that. It's simpler than it seems! Sure, skin creators have made the process of re-learning and familiarizing a little more difficult in the attempt to cover as many body/heads as possible.

In the next few blogs I hope to show those who venture here that experimentation can be valuable. That you don't have to have the exact matching head/body skin. Old skins are useful again if you did n't toss them in the Mesh Movement. That with layers, you can -layer- your look to make it work. Yes, yes. I did go there.

Until then, be beautiful to each other. Be creative, and live your best Second Life.
Much love, Lumi